Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 1st

September...we are in a new is fairly calm. Waiting for 9 AM to call the Dumpster Lady to arrange the emptying of the dumpsters. Barn Mover Man has a crew of two out at the Western House to take off the porch. Benny makes a call to Dumpster Lady, the fee to dump the two dumpters today and bring them back is almost $700. When they are the only game in town, you have no choice, but Lord willing, these will be the last two we need to clean the lot off completely. She said the containers run 10 tons each, and we have not had that much in each one so far, they have been emptied, including todays, 4 times. Snag already....dumpsters cannot be picked up until tomorrow, but maybe all of us need a little rest. Benny gets the tractor and goes down to the lot, picking up the broken cinderblock and rock and putting in one pile. He keeps talking this morning like we will be moving into this house someday...sounds wonderful to my ears. Lord willing, no stairs to climb !

We are slowly getting there, the debris pile is much less now...Photobucket

Ten tons of far, container number Four


We are moving the burned cinder block and putting them in a pile...they will be crushed later on to become part of the patio that we would love to build in the back, under the porch....dreams, and more dreams....

There is so much to do, but it is slowly getting done, Thank you, Lord, keep holding me up....I sometimes get overwhelmed by it all.Photobucket

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