Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 31st

Morning begins early, set the alarm to get up by 6:30

AM. The House Mover Man called last night, wants to

meet at the burned lot by 7:30AM, as he has not seen it

yet. I start out with my morning cup of coffee and the

news, Benny decides to eat breakfast after the meeting,

so I keep watch outside while he gets dressed, talk to the

neighbor kids as they leave to get on the school bus, and

as Benny walks down the road sipping a cup of coffee, I

begin breakfast. It is almost 8:30 AM when he gets back,

the phone has just rang, and it is the Barn Mover man.

He is wanting to start taking down the porch roof on the

Western House this morning. The Real Estate Lady was

supposed to have put a combination lock on the property

yesterday, so we tell him he will have to check with her

this morning. The electric company has not taken down

the line yet to the Western House, so that also needs to

be done before the movers get there. I keep reminding

myself......"Walk by faith, it will all come into place"....the

Mover Man has given us the price of moving the houses,

it is triple what we expected (and what we were told by

Real Estate Lady), but truly, we were all unsure. Our

estimate ourselves was unsure. It will about $4 and a

little more per square foot. I would rather invest in these

houses.....I believe in owning my own land.....I tell

myself this over and over. Again, we go over our

finances, pulling from here and there, cutting back here

and there, but He will guide us, I just know it....keep

walking by faith.....Benny is eating his blueberry

pancakes, bacon, and drinking coffee...the Dumpster

people have taken off the one dumpster full of debris,

one of their trucks has broken down. They will take the

other off after they return from the first run...they have

to go over 50 miles to dump the debris. We have to get

blocks and pads yet for the house. We have checked the

prices, it will run about $2.75 for each one, and it will

take a bunch...we now know the direction the house will

be facing, so we can line up for the plumbing in our

minds anyway. Busy, busy, busy....and the old carport

has to come down as well....one tree yet to be cut

down...but my renter will do that for us...he is a precious

young man. The Homeless Friend we have taken in will

help some with the Barn that is to be moved to our

property here at our house. He trimmed tree limbs

yesterday, and cut and stacked the wood for us. He will

take the leafy debris to the road today for the city to

grind up when they have time.
Problems begin about 9:45 AM...I receive a call from the

Dumping Company in Abilene...unable to load 2nd

dumpster, something about a piece of debris on

top...Benny is trying to call BackHoe Man and gives up..I

say a prayer, pick up the phone, and his wife

answers..Thank you, Lord...get ahold of him, he will be

right there....Another phone call....Barn Mover Man

needs permission to cut a tree down to start on the roof

of the house...call to real estate agent who has to call

owner..No oak can be cut, but Thank you, Lord, this is a

small pecan tree and he agrees it can be cut down to get

the porch off...Dumpster Man and truck have arrived at

the scene, BackHoe Man is smacking down the debris, I

talk to Dumpster Man and thank him for his patience, he

is agreeing with me on how hard this is to get done, and

waits patiently, then begins to load the Dumpster...load

#2 is on the way.....BackHoe Man thinks we will need at

least 3 more times of emptying the containers. Lots of

debris. We decide to crush all the cinderblocks that were

the old foundation and will use them as fill when we put

in a patio slab at the site in the near future, Lord

willing.Benny goes to price beams to place under the

Western House, and we figure the price up....We will

need at least 10 or more to go down through the middle

of the foundation. This is a very busy day....we decide to

go and take the antenna down off the Western House

and bring it in, we can do that much to help. I take the

camera with me so we can share with all our friends. The

workmen are at lunch when we arrive, but we meet them

on the way out and wave at them. The antenna came

down easily...we could not fit the pole in the back of the

truck, so we took it inside the house and left it on the

floor, it will ride with the house. I love this house, I want

to live in it myself...we discuss fixing it up for us and

renting out our huge place to a younger family. It has to

have so much work done on it as well. I really hate the

house, in all honesty, that is why I purchased a house

across the street, so my friends can come and we visit

there, and my kids can have a place to stay when they

come to visit with all my grandkids and great grands,

and what fun we have when we do get to visit. I am

getting too old to walk upstairs. I never go up them

unless absolutely necessary. I did not even count the

bedrooms in the Western House until today...there are

three bedrooms. It still needs some finishing done on it,

but most of the work is done.
BackHoe Man is busy filling the dumpsters again,

hopefully we can call and have them dumped again

Benny's tooth is driving him crazy, so he calls the

dentist, who is a great guy, and he leaves to get two teeth

filled. Imagine that, just a call and he can come to the

office..The Lord is so good to us. My friend Terri comes

to visit and we just had the best time ...we have a praise

party...LOL...we love to share the blessings of the Lord

and just marvel at how He works in our lives. She is my

greatest blessing and true friend. We worked together at

school, and we both resigned this year, we are just

getting old ! Went to visit the minister today and took

him back his pears in a new form...he really

laughed...told him I was returning them in jars. Took

him canned pears and pear honey. He is getting

company in next week. His wife is quite ill, and I visited

a little while with her. She was doing fair today. Thank

you, Lord, for helping keep her pain under control. Her

daugher is also staying with her, and she is precious .Got

back to the house to see Benny and his son Marty at the

burned lot. They were having a great gab session and

laughing. Need to call the Dumpster Lady tomorow

morning and arrange for the two dumpsters to be

emptied. I think they hold a ton each, they are huge, and

there are still about 2 more loadings. A busy day, a busy

day, but all is calm, it is evening, and hopefully, we will

get a good night's rest so we can be refreshed for

tomorrow and what it holds, Lord willing.

A view of the Western House as you drive down into the meadow...


Taking down the antenna today....


Benny on the porch....Photobucket

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