Monday, August 30, 2010

August 30th

Monday, Monday, be good to me....we have just finished

breakfast and the phone is the Barn Man who

gives us his price...move the barn, take the roof off the

side of the Western House and move the deck from the

Cozy House. We are in agreement, and he says he will

start tomorrow on the removal of the side roof. Thank

you Lord, for blessing me.....the BackHoe Man is

supposed to be at the lot this morning and will begin the

removal of the tin,copper, and the Dumpster Lady is

waiting for us to transfer the rest of the money for the

dumpsters which are to be delivered today.

I love the sound....crunch...bang....I know what is being

accomplished this morning...the big dumpsters are in

place this morning.....


The metal from the roof is being taken to the recycle


The copper wire is being pulled out and rolled, put in

buckets, to go to the recycle plant.....

Benny has seen the Real Estate Lady and we now have

the keys to the Western House.
Evening is drawing has been a long day, lots of

hard work.....

There is so much less debris...the trucks will be here in

the morning to take the two full dumpsters and bring in

two more to be filled.
Thank you, Lord, for protection over the workers as they

do this hard job.....

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